Thursday, October 9, 2008

How Dutch exactly?

Last week Anja went looking for a cold bottle of water and opened the fridge in my garage hoping it would be in there. It was really hot and very dry, and drinking water is a must here and Anja is not so used to this kind of weather.
She opened the fridge door and guess what she found in there: one Dutch wooden shoe!

Maybe she felt a bit embarrassed or so, not sure, but she asked me some time later: "Why do you keep a wooden shoe in the fridge in the garage?"

"Uhh.... there is a wooden shoe in there? Oh yes, I remember, one day I cleaned out that fridge as it had a bad smell. I wanted to leave the door open so it could breath, and the first thing that I could find that would do the trick was that wooden shoe. Somehow it must have gotten in there, and been forgotten".

A creative Dutch girl can use her clogs for all kinds of things, it works!
